Michigan Advance Article on Learning by Hearings Program

Read the article by Ken Coleman of Michigan Advance about the Levin Center’s civic education program Learning by Hearings and the new classroom resources now available to social studies high school teachers across Michigan and beyond!

Wayne State’s Levin Center offers Michigan high schools free civics and US history resources

by Ken Coleman  —  Michigan Advance  —  October 25, 2024

Wayne State University has launched an effort to strengthen the way civics and U.S. history courses are taught in Michigan high schools. 

“Learning by Hearings”which was developed by teachers in the civic education team at the university’s Levin Center for Oversight and Democracy aims to provide classroom resources. The institution is named after the late Carl Levin, a Democratic U.S. senator from Detroit who served on Capitol Hill from 1979 to 2015. He died in 2021. 

Developed with support from the state of Michigan and Michigan Department of Education, the resources bring “high-quality, inquiry-driven educational materials to high school civics and U.S. history classrooms,” according to Jim Townsend, a former state lawmaker who is currently the Carl Levin Center’s director. The free package includes six inquiry-based lessons, four video resources and four stand-alone snapshots.